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Legend of the Lost Locket





1h 30m



An antiques expert, portrayed by Natasha Burnett, takes on a quest to find a long-lost locket that is rumored to bring true love to its wearer. During her search, she becomes entangled in both conflict and attraction with the town sheriff, played by Viv Leacock.

Director :

Kevin Fair

Natasha Burnett, Viv Leacock, Samantha Cole, Francine Halbrook, Kevin O'Grady, Beverley Elliott, Andrea Stefancikova, Hrothgar Mathews, Isabel Birch, Christina Lewall, Zak Santiago, Nic Westaway, Lola Claire, Natalie Moon
Legend of the Lost Locket
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Legend of the Lost Locket

Language :


Country :

United States, Canada

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