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Chasing Raine (2024)




1 hour 41 minutes


Action, Thriller

Elite soldier parents Clyde Foxx and Sky Atlas must rescue their abducted daughter Raine from a ruthless child trafficking syndicate. As they dive into a perilous world of danger and deceit, they confront past traumas while racing against time to save their daughter.

Director :

Quinanthony Bateman, Lee Bateman

Maurice P. Kerry, Krystal Jordan, Dall'asia Howard, DJ Walton, Scott W. Peterson, Adrien Cannon, K. Alexandra Escobar, Courtney Wu, Bruce Fogleman, Kelly Ladd, Akira Jackson, Seydou Maiga, Joshua Wade, Jayla Walton, C.L. Holiday, ChiffonaRay, Donalia Jones, Mariah Cowser
Chasing Raine (2024)
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Chasing Raine (2024)

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Country :

United States

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Action, Thriller
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