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Code 8: Part II





1 hour 40 minutes


Action, Crime, Drama

Code 8: Part II" follows a girl fighting to get justice for her slain brother by corrupt police officers. She enlists the help of an ex-con and his former partner. Together, they face a highly regarded and well-protected police sergeant who doesn't want to be exposed.

Director :

Jeff Chan

Amell, Stephen Amell, Alex Mallari Jr., Sirena Gulamgaus, Aaron Abrams, Moe Jeudy-Lamour, Akiel Julien, Natalie Liconti, Nneka Elliott, Sammy Azero, Jean Yoon, Altair Vincent, Sarena Parmar, Jessica Allen, Jane Moffat, Sunnie McFadden, Noorin Gulamgaus, Mikayla SwamiNathan, Hazel Gorin, Darrin Maharaj, Kari Matchett, Yasemin Kamci, Yatharth Bhatt, Starr Domingue, J.D. Nicholsen, Albert Lapi, Vivian Peryl Simms, Keith Barnes, Rob Riddell
Code 8: Part II
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Code 8: Part II

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Country :

Canada, United States

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Action, Crime, Drama
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