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Klaus & Barroso (2024)





1 hour 27 minutes



"Klaus & Barroso (2024)" centers around two brothers, Klaus and Barroso, who find themselves entangled in a series of events driven by a desperate need to pay off a debt. Barroso, a bartender-combiner, convinces his fiery bouncer brother Klaus to collaborate on organizing a bachelor party without the knowledge of the club owners where Barroso works.

Director :

Cosmin Nedelcu, Adrian Nicolae

Cosmin Nedelcu as Barroso Adrian Nicolae as Klaus Serban Pavlu as Maxi Victoria Raileanu as Vera Madalina Craiu as Alis Alexandru Ion as Cata Cezar Antal as Mihai Cazimir Codrin Boldea as Cerbu Vlad Brumaru as Vlad Rolando Matsangos as Albert
Klaus & Barroso (2024)
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Klaus & Barroso (2024)

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