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1 hour 37 minutes


Crime, Drama, Mystery

Follows Dan Lawson, a Chicago detective, who travels to Scotland to link up with Scottish Det. Glen Boyd, following the resurgence of a serial killer who's crimes match an unsolved case that he looked into five years previous in Chicago.

Director :

Terry McDonough

Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi, Kate Dickie, John Hannah, Laura Haddock, Brian McCardie, Elaine C. Smith, Brian Pettifer, Robert Jack, John Arnold, Dylan Blore, Samantha Coughlan, Elizabeth Rose Ewing, Emma Findlay, Michael Guest, Mark Holden, Sureni Kay, Paul McCole, Natalie Mcconnon, Nicolette McKeown, Trevor O'Connell, Gavin Paul, Chris Shaw, Jatinder Singh Randhawa, Rishi Rian, Mitchell Robertson, Ousmane Diarra, Joanna Roth, Brodie Johnson, Miriam Wolanski
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Country :

United States, United Kingdom

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Crime, Drama, Mystery
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