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Lion of Judah Legacy





1h 36m



The story follows Marly, a disabled veteran who is emotionally distant and grappling with unresolved issues regarding his father. He receives a profound revelation from a divine being that his estranged mother is critically ill in Jamaica. This revelation prompts Marly to embark on a journey to Jamaica to reconnect with his ancestral roots and confront his past.

Director :

June Daguiso

Doris Cochran, June Daguiso, Luqman Agiya, Frank Cisco Anderson, Dominic Jackson, Lance Hill, Kathi Muhammad, Aref Dajani, Robert L. Anderson III, Chivonnie Gius, Terry Briscoe, Gwen Rogers, Carlyn Paschall, Tammy Barboza, Cassandra Grant, Erma H. Anderson, Askia Goddard, Kopano Peter Lebelo
Lion of Judah Legacy
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Lion of Judah Legacy

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Country :

United States

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